The first time I heard Dr. Gerald Pollack was him being interviewed by Dr. J. Mercola, as I was listening to the interview I could hear a college professor, a PhD, a university-level researcher, deÀscribe a type of water the that exists throughout nature that sounded EXACTLY like Alkaline and Acid Ionized Water, so I called Dr. Gerald Pollack and we arranged an interview that was suppose to be 30 mins, and it went close to 85 mins. It was one of the most remarkable moments of my professional career. This was sweet vendication of what I had always intuitively known, that Ionized Water is not only extremely healthy for us, but it is found throughout NATURE and throughout the Body itself.
Dr. Pollack confirmed everything I had always claimed through intuition and observation, and that is that WATER IS FOUND THROUGHOUT NATURE.
Ionized Water reflects the characteristics of RAW FOODS in several ways:
• Ionized Water has an abundance of electrons as do raw foods.
• Ionized Water has a negative charge, or ORP, as do raw foods.
• Ionized Water possesses negative ions as do raw foods.
• Ionized Water is alkaline as are raw foods.
• Ionized Water is hydrating as are raw foods.
• Ionized Water is detoxifying as are raw foods.
• Ionized Water provides the body with ionic (organic) minerals as do raw foods.
Dr. Pollack and his colleagues have discovered EZ water exists in nature. EZ is exactly the same as Ionized Water.
The “exclusion zone” (EZ), the unexpectedly large zone of waterthat forms next to many submersed materials, got its name because it excludes practically everything. The EZ contains a lot of charge, and its character differs from that of bulk water. Sometimes it is referred to as water’s fourth phase. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor – Gerald H. Pollack, PhD
Dr. Pollack and his colleagues have discovered a 4 State of the Strangest, most elusive element on Earth: Water. Also, the most important for our health, since our body is made up of 70% water, no wait a minute – Dr. Pollack says our body is 99% water. How can this be?
The [hexagonal] honeycomb sheet is the EZ’s unitary structure.
Sheets stack parallel to the material surface to build the EZ. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor – Gerald H. Pollack, PhD
Even more, Dr. Pollack talks about the Fourth State of Water, which he called EZ water. And it has ALL the same qualities of Ionized Water, which I have been promoting all these years (since 1996). I wrote the bible of Ionized Water, The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water – The Definitive Guide to the World’s Healthiest Substance. And here comes Dr. Pollack to verify everything I have always said Ionized Water is, and that it is FOUND IN NATURE.
Your cells are two-thirds water by volume; however, the water molecule is so small that if you were to count every single molecule in your body, 99% of them would be water molecules. That many water molecules are needed to make up the two-thirds volume. Your feet tote around a huge sack of mostly water molecules. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor – Gerald H. Pollack, PhD
To determine the physical nature of the exclusion zone, we pursued a variety of methods [including] (i) Light absorption, (ii) Infrared absorption, (iii) Infrared emission, (iv) Magnetic resonance imaging, (vi) Optical features.
Dr. Pollack:
Free Chaptersof The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor: